
    《现代电子技术》是由陕西省科学技术厅主管,陕西省电子技术研究所有限公司主办,陕西电子杂志社有限公司出版,中国电子学会重点支持的科技类学术期刊。本刊为中文核心期刊(2023版)、中国科技核心期刊、RCCSE中国核心学术期刊(A),2014版、2017版中文核心、科技期刊世界影响力指数(WJCI)报告期刊。本刊为半月刊(每月1日、15日出版),国内外公开发行。国内统一刊号CN 61-1224/TN, 国际标准刊号ISSN 1004-373X;国内邮发代号52-126,国际发行代号M3262。

    覆盖面主要读者包括全国的大专院校、电教中心师生, 重点实验室、工矿企事业单位、科研院所的工程技术人员,各军、兵种的高科技研究人员,以及政府采购人员。
    来稿务必论点明确,文字精练,数据可靠,每篇论文(含图、表)一般不超过 6 000 字,必须包括(按顺序):题目、作者姓名、作者单位及邮政编码、中文摘要(目的、方法、结果、结论四要素齐全)、关键词( 8 个)、中国图书资料分类号(简称中图分类号)、文献标识码、英文信息(题名、作者姓名、单位、摘要和关键词)、正文、参考文献(不少于 15个)。文中图、表只附最必要的(一般不超过 6 幅)。插图务必清晰(宽度8.5cm内文字、符号等可识别),请用计算机软件( Word 或 Visio )绘图(电路图、矢量图或高点阵图)。
    投稿网址:http://www.xddz.com.cn/  http://xddj.cbpt.cnki.net/

Brief Introduction of Modern Electronics Technique

Modern Electronics Technique is an electronics technology magazine responded by The Industry and Information Department of Shaanxi Province, and supported emphatically by Chinese Institute of Electronics, which is published half-monthly and is also the Journal of Chinese Institute of Electronic Education in Colleges and Universities. The journal mainly publishes the excellent technicality papers of research subject, academic report, achievement in scientific research and synthetic review with high academic level, high technical level and practical value. It was selected as a Chinese sci-tech core journal in 2007, as a core journal of Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE) in 2015, and as a core journal in A Guide of the Core Journal of China in 2015. It is issued publically at home and abroad. Its China Standard Serial Numbering (CSSN) is CN 61-1224/TN, International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is ISSN 1004-373X, Post Distribution Code is 52-126, and International Code is M3262. Its price is ¥ 20.00.

Its major columns: military communication, wireless communication, signal processing, communication device, information safety, automatic technology, observation & control technology, electronic technique, intelligent transportation & navigation, industrial control technology, energy saving & emission reduction technology, embedded technology, scientific calculation & information processing,  computer control & simulation, computer software/hardware & data bus, pattern recognition & artificial intelligence, aerospace technology, new type electronic material, electron & information device, sensor technology, virtual instrument and its application, new type smart device, power source technology, laser & infrared technology, etc.